Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Don't Put Off Till Tomorrow

My daughter Hannah and her son Stanley came to visit last week, when she arrived I suggested we had a cuppa at the Salvation Army coffee morning, and then go on to Butterley Railway to take a trip on the train. We had a wonderful time, Stanley isn’t walking yet I think he thinks he can get to places faster by crawling. So he was in and out of the hall investigating the garden and then coming back. He thoroughly enjoyed being picked up by everyone too especially if they had a biscuit!

We made our way to Butterley Railway and hopped on the train to Swanwick Junction. 

They have a shed with lots of old trains in, a must for any train enthusiast, 

There is a cafĂ©, a model railway, and an old chapel, a play area, and other things. We had a walk round the shed and looked at the trains, we had a walk in the chapel, which had a hymn book open on the organ. 

While Hannah was visiting the chapel I took Stanley to the small play area, he was an instant hit with the other children as he crawled around and then climbing into anything he came across. Stanley isn’t to happy about wearing shoes and socks so he was in his element crawling along in bare feet, as soon as we got back to my house his feet were put in the sink for a good wash. 

All in all we had a wonderful day even though it had not been planned before hand.  

This reminds me of what the Bible says about salvation, you cannot plan it. You can’t say, next Thursday at ten-o-clock I’m going to give my heart to the Lord. No, the Bible says that today is the day of salvation and it is a gift, it is not something you deserve, you can earn, or work for by keeping rules and regulations. Salvation is by the grace of God who gave His Son Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins, Jesus took mine and your punishment, we are all guilty before God, we will all be punished for our sins unless we ask for forgiveness and put our trust in the Lord Jesus and all He as done for us.

You can make plans for most things, especially really important things like marriage, changing job, moving house, buying a car, etc. etc. But you cannot plan your salvation so don’t leave it, don’t put it off till tomorrow, tomorrow may be too late as it was for the man in the Bible: The Parable of the Rich Man This is the most important decision you will ever make in your life because it effects what will happen in the next.
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Tuesday, 23 August 2016

How safe is your Bridge?

I had a lovely walk last Thursday from Eastwood after I had been to my keep fit class. I walked to Langley Mill and round the little nature reserve they have. The last time I went the bridge didn’t look so old and rickety, it has definitely fell into disrepair. However, I decided after watching a lady and her dog walk safely across to brave it, I'm glad I did because I saw quite a few dragonflies (one of my favourite insects) I didn't manage to get any photographs though they are just too quick for me.

The thing I noticed about the bridge which I found quite unnerving was that with every step it bounced, I know I wouldn’t have fallen far had it have given way but I really didn’t fancy a dunk in the water, although I would have been closer to the fish and perhaps would have got quite a good shot.

But thinking about how unstable this bridge was that took me from one side of the brook to the other I thought about life and what kind of bridge people rely on to take them over from this life to the next. There is only one sure safe way that you can one hundred percent trust and that is Jesus, who said of Himself, John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” You will hear people say that all roads lead to God, they do in one way because every other way apart from Jesus will lead you to the judgment seat of God were you will be answerable to God for the sins you have committed in your life and the fact that you rejected Jesus as the true way who took the punishment for our sins. All who repent and believe in Him will have eternal life. Those who don’t will be found guilty and answerable for their sins a debt they cannot pay.

Someone who goes to court before a judge and is found guilty has to pay the penalty that the judge applies unless someone steps up and pays the penalty in which case they would go free. When you stand before God will you hear the Lord Jesus say “this one trusted in me he can go free,” or will you be judged, found guilty, condemned, and then punished-eternal torment.

Don’t trust in anything other that the true way, Jesus, repent of your sin and believe in Him. Prayerfully study the Holy Bible that you may grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, commune with the Father every day, trusting only in Him and not of yourself or any man. If you have to work for your salvation you are trusting in an unstable bridge which is going to let you down, you will find you will arrive at a destination that you weren’t expecting.

It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in man.