I washed
some clothes today, and whilst I was hanging them up to dry I noticed that the
jumpers and cardigans, were again covered in those awful bobbles. I stood
pulling them off, or as many as I could get off, I did have a machine that did it
but goodness knows where that has gone, plus it never got rid of them all. I thought about my friend Linda who
passed away last March. I’d gone to see her in the hospital and I had on one of
the cardigans that she had kindly knit for me and I was pulling off the bobbles.
She couldn’t understand why mine was so bad, when she didn’t get them! She even
told her sister what I was up to when she rang.
I suppose
if I did a search on Google I could find out the best way of limiting the
damage and getting rid of what is left.
It reminded
me of my sin, before I accepted that I was a sinner in need of the Saviour, I
would try under my own steam to get rid of my faults, (I didn’t have sins or so I thought). I
would try to be good, and do good things but it was never enough. I just wouldn’t
own up to having sins. I was a nice person, I told myself, and on that basis,
surely God would let me into heaven.
No way. It
was God who drew me to His Son, it was the Holy Spirit that convicted me of my
sins, and how I could never keep God’s standards and laws, and that under my
own steam I could not get into heaven. I would never be good enough, I couldn’t
earn it, and I didn’t deserve it. What a state to find yourself in, full of
sin, guilt and shame and unable to do anything about it, I would not be going
to heaven.
Until, that day when God drew me, and forgave me on the basis that His Son, took my
punishment. I could ask for forgiveness and God would forgive. Not only that
but all self-righteousness had to go, the only righteousness acceptable to God
is His Son’s. And only the righteous go to heaven, so, not only does God
forgive but He clothes us with the righteousness of His Son, Jesus.
We leave
our life of sin, we follow only God’s way, how do we know God’s way, by
studying His Word, the Holy Bible. And when we study His Word we will then want
to spend time with God in prayer and fellowship, and time in fellowship with other believers,
we are told to leave behind the things of the world, and selfish ambitions and
desires. Whilst we are not yet sin free, God continues to forgive when we
repent, but we should not be in a sinful lifestyle, if we profess to be a Christian.
God promises in His Word
that He will complete the work He has started in all those who repent and
believe in Jesus.
Whether I
will ever manage to have bobble free garments I know not, But this I do know,
that one day I shall be sin free, perfect and holy, and I shall praise and
glorify God in heaven, because now I am righteous in His sight.