Thursday, 5 August 2021

Knowing What is Best

I have a little rescue dog, called Shy. Who, a couple of nights ago was poorly with tummy trouble, she kept getting up and needing to go out. The following day she was not herself, but she knew what was best for her, she didn’t eat anything until she felt better. It wasn’t long before she was back to her old self.

It made me think about we Christians who, when we are spiritually sick, and know what is best for us, but don’t always do it. We try desperately hard to sort it out our way, we want to get back into fellowship with the Father and will try all sorts of things rather than repenting and trusting God to help us and build us up again. Scripture tells us that we are not to lean on our own understanding, our understanding is limited, it is often clouded with a world view, but when we repent and put our trust in God and His Word, we soon feel better, our fellowship with the Father and our Lord Jesus is restored, and we wonder why we ever tried our own way first.

We have to remember what is best for us, and that is putting ourselves in God's hands, studying His Word, and believing His Word, and acting on His Word, the reason this is best for us is because God knows better than we do what is best for us, and we can trust Him because He is faithful and just.

So, how do we know what is best for us, by giving everything over to God.