Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Little froglets

 It has been fascinating to watch over the past few months the development of the tadpoles in my pond. It’s not a “proper” pond but an old bath that I asked the workmen to leave when they put a shower in my council bungalow. A friend dug a hole at the top of the garden and put the old bath in, and then I waited for the rain.

It was a couple of years before there was much activity, and then two years ago a disease wiped them out, the frog spawn died, it was horrible. I emptied the pond and scrubbed it, and waited for the rain. This year has been the best for those lovely creatures, I even had a newt move in, that’s never happened before. I have a chair and go up and sit quietly and watch them, for the past few weeks tiny frogs have been leaving, but some haven’t matured yet, some still have tails and legs, some a tail and two legs, and some have remained the same. I am sure an expert would be able to tell me why.

I thought about this, how when some sinners turn to the Saviour and profess to be born again, they stay the same as the day it happened, there is no growth, no seeking after knowledge of God, and no fear of the Lord, they seem content not to know any more.

Others who desire to know more, develop at a different pace. Age is not a sign of Christian maturity, and neither is the length of time we are born again. 

Romans 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 

We are all to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

As in the natural, so in the spiritual, we all learn and grow at different rates, but those who are growing faster, are to help those with less maturity and understanding. We are to build one another up, help one another, and accept each other’s growth. God is patient and faithful to each one of us. And one day, He will finish the work He began. Philippians 1:6 and we shall awake in His likeness. 

Friday, 11 February 2022

Who is Worthy

Who has the right and title to this world?
Who can rule it?
Who can establish justice and righteousness?
Do you think perhaps the Democrats can do it?
Do you think that the Republicans can do it?
Do you think any administration can do it?
Do you think the United Nations can do it?
I trust that you are not so deluded at this late time in the history of the world that you believe that man can solve his own problems.
The Word of God has made it very clear that he cannot.

Thru the Bible, Vol 58 The Prophecy (Revelation 1-5) by J. Vernon McGee


Thursday, 13 January 2022

Revealing Light

     I have bought a film which you put on your windows, You spray your window with water and press it on and it stops anyone being able to see in from the street. Brilliant, there is just one draw back, if you put a light in the room, the windows are see through again. So I have to make sure that if I don’t want anyone looking through after dark, I must draw my curtains.

I thought about this, and how we put things in place so that people can’t really know the real us, we hide behind masks. We want people to see only what we want them to see. This may work for the people we come into contact with but it doesn’t work with regards to God. His light reveals all the things about us that we don’t want people to know. It even reveals things about us that we didn’t even know about ourselves. God knows everything about us, and when we come into contact with His Word, then the light of His Word shows us what we truly are. Sinners, wicked, lost, in darkness, in bondage, we are wretched and blind to the truth. But there is hope for every sinner, the Word of God shines in every corner of our hearts, minds and lives, exposing who we are, but it also gives us the answer to our wretchedness.

I close my curtains when the lights shining, I don’t want people to see. But God can see us for who we truly are, He knows our need, and He loved so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to take our punishment. God will one day punish sinners for their sin and rebellion against Him. And the only way out of this condemnation and judgement from God, is Jesus. God poured His anger on His Son, Jesus bore our sins on the cross. 

If you break the law, you will go before a judge, be found guilty and be punished. So it is with God’s law, and there is no one who has not broken God’s moral standard.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believe that in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Jesus said, you must be born again. In other words, you are dead spiritually and your spirit  needs to be born. So we are born from above, nothing here on earth can give us this new birth. We believe in Jesus and all He has done, we repent and receive forgiveness and new life. And we live in the light of God’s Word. So we grow in knowledge and grace, and we no longer put a film over our hearts, and lives, now people can see the real us, because we are living for Jesus, and letting the light of God’s Word, help us and guide us. 

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

We will always need the light of God’s Word.