Monday, 4 May 2015

The Nearness of God

I was walking to church on Sunday morning and I passed workmen laying telephone cables. I think it's a shame that people work on Sundays, I do appreciate that some have no choice such as doctors, nurses, our armed forces etc, but how sad that people have to work when really it's not needful. That isn't however what I was thinking about as I continued on my way it was all the miles and miles of cable there must be, and mobile phone masts, satellites in space and all the rest of it just so that we can talk to one another. And if we don't manage to have a conversation that way we can always text or email, what happened to popping round for a cuppa and a good old chin wag? Ah well that's progress.

But do you know I can talk to God anytime of the day or night and the server doesn't crash!!!!

The nearness of God and the Lord Jesus is amazing, He is not too busy to listen, He doesn't forget that you've asked Him something, and He doesn't cut you off because you have upset Him. God wants us to communicate with Him, we call it prayer, praise, worship etc. Whether we are happy or sad, joyful or sorrowful, whether things are going right or wrong, God wants to hear. He also wants us to listen because He has things He wants to say to us and sometimes He speaks directly into our hearts, sometimes through a sermon or a song, sometimes through other people or situations but always He speaks to us through His written word, the Holy Bible.

Samuel when God first spoke to Him didn't realise it was God he thought it was Eli, once Eli realised that God was speaking to Samuel he instructed him on how to reply. 
1 Samuel 3:10 And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.
Not only did Samuel listen to God but he also obeyed Him even though what he had to do was not a pleasant task.

Whatever we have to do or say for the Lord we can be sure that He is nearer to us than our very breath and He won’t let us down, He will enable us.

No matter what we go through He is nearer than our very breath and He will help us and sustain us. How wonderful is our God.

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