I thought about having a memory blog, I would post a photo each day, with
a memory attached to it. I reconsidered, I already have my photographs which
help, and my lovely family remind me of different things, and the fact that I
see traits of myself and other people in them which triggers memories. And of
course not forgetting my lifelong friend Linda, she remembers our days for me.
Whilst it is so lovely to be reminded of things, and so lovely when something triggers
a memory within me, it is not good to live in the past.
I wonder if I will read this in a couple of years’ time and wonder why I
did more blogs than usual in a short space of time. (It is because you are not
well Hillary, your voice has gone and you have time on your hands that you don’t
usually have.) hahaha.
We need to live in the here and now and enjoy the time we have together
with our family and friends while we are still altogether. For some people as they get older all they have is their memories, and
when they start to fade it is so hard for them and their families.
Christians on the other hand have a wonderful future to look forward to.
We are not to look back on our Christian life and wish we’d done it
differently, wishing we had been more like famous evangelists. Or looking back
proudly thinking how well we have done. No, Paul says we are to press to the
prize that is before us. We are not to cling to what has gone. I can just
imagine what a boss would say at work if we just sat there thinking that the
work we did last week will be sufficient to carry us through our working life,
no need to do anything else look at what I already achieved.
There is a wonderful message in this link from Jack Hayford,
Don’t live in the
past, Live in the present.
Don’t look back to the past look forward to the
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