Monday, 21 August 2017

Without Excuse

It was a warm evening and I decided to recline on my decking for a while, it was half past ten and the sky was clear. I lay looking up at the host of stars and although it was just a minute part of space that I was looking at, I could not count the stars, neither could I see everything that was going on. But what I could see was awesome, as I lay there a bat to the left of me kept swooping to and fro, I expect he was hunting, my kitchen light was on and so the moths were drawn to it making them easy pickings. In the distance a horse was neighing, which was an unusual sound to hear at that time of night. As I watched these amazing sights, and listened to the sounds, behind me the night scented stock's perfume filled the air. I stayed there about an hour meditating upon who God is and praising Him for His awesome creation and for the miracle of the new birth for all who repent of their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus.

The Holy Bible tells us that God's attributes can be clearly seen in nature. His majesty, might and power, so that no one has an excuse not to believe That there is a God.  Romans 1 :20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that hey are without excuse. If nature is so awesome, how much more so the One who created it! There are things created that we will never see or know, the more we do know, the more we realise we have only just scratched the surface. But all that we can see, hear, touch and smell should leave us in no doubt that it did not happen by chance.

But the world and the humans in it who were originally created in Gods image has been under a curse since man was disobedient to God, causing sin and evil to come into the world. We can see around us, in our own communities, in our own nation, in fact in the whole world, sin and evil. But especially in our own lives, sin, guilt and shame in every person on the planet.

God made the world, God made man in His image, man ruined that image and was severed from God. Did God leave His created beings then to fate, no, God sent His Son Jesus to take the punishment for our sin. When we repent of our sin and turn away from it then we can have a relationship with the One who created us. We are no longer estranged from Him, and we are no longer condemned. 

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