Friday, 3 November 2017


I recently went to Liverpool for an overnight stay, I have never been before and I must admit I was pleasantly surprised, it wasn't at all as I imagined. We had called at Chester on the way there, which is another lovely city with a wealth of history going back to Roman times, I spent a few hours there and walked along the city wall, and explored the amphitheatre.

I didn't explore Liverpool until the following day, armed with my Google map I went down to the docks and spent a couple of hours in the various museums, and took lots of photos of the Mersey.  As I came from the quayside an open top bus was about to leave on a tour of the city, and so I spent the next fifty-five minutes sightseeing from the top of a bus, and being told interesting facts by the tour guide about the various sights.

After that it was over to the Cavern club to see where the Beatles began. Then it was time to go for the coach home. What you may well ask, has any of this got to do with the title of this blog, investment? Absolutely nothing, unless you count the time and money invested in this overnight stay, no, it has more to do with something someone said to me as we were having dinner in the hotel. They asked if I had seen this weeks episode of Strictly Dancing, my reply being, no, as I don't own a TV. The lady suggested that I should invest in a television, mmmmm, I didn't ponder on this long it wasn't an investment I was interested in. I decided I would look up exactly what the definition for investment was:
The act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get and advantage, or the money, effort, time, etc. used to do this: 

What I wondered, would be the advantage of having a television, my decision, none. It would more likely be a hindrance and distraction to the things that I do. Would I be more likely, I wondered, to sit in front of the TV rather than sit and study the Word of God. My time would be better invested in studying God’s Word, and doing His will. The benefits of this are for my wellbeing, spirit, soul and body. Not only in the here and now but for eternity. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with owning a TV, but if it interferes with our walk with the Lord Jesus, and our spiritual growth, then we have a problem. Of course, this doesn’t just apply to the TV, but to anything. The internet, the kind of books we read, the music we listen to, the places we go, and the company we keep, all have an impact on our lives and how we invest our time, gifts and talents. How we invest our time etc. is important, we only have one natural life, there is no practise run, so we must invest wisely.

Colossians 3:23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, 
as to the Lord and not to men.

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