Thursday, 17 July 2014

A wonderful weekend

I had a lovely weekend, (Sat 12th & Sunday 13th). Saturday was Huey's Summer Fayre at his preschool, lots of goodies to be had especially homemade cakes, yummy, I'm afraid I can't resist so the diet always goes out of the window. Noah had his face painted he wanted to be Spider-man.
and a very handsome Spider-man he made too.
Not to be outdone I had my face painted too Sarah said I should have the theme from the movie Frozen and as it was a hot day it seemed a good idea :)

We can spend a lot of time I think hiding behind a mask, the face that we put on in public sometimes isn't always how we really feel, but how wonderful it is to know that we don't have to wear a mask when we walk with the Lord Jesus, there wouldn't be any point really as God knows our thoughts, he knows our heart, he knows our feelings, and no matter how much we may put on a mask for the public he knows the real face.

God's perfect knowledge of man

Sunday Sarah, Hannah, and Emma came to my house for our monthly tea party, it was lovely we had time to catch up and relax together. Pamela, my sister gave me a tea service to use as I didn't own a tea pot!
I was so busy enjoying myself I didn't take any photos of us, I'd made some individual jellies with fruit in and Sarah brought some cakes, oh dear more cake :)

Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

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