Saturday, 12 July 2014

Cannock Chase and a Birthday

There were two highlights to my week last week, the first one being a trip to Cannock Chase and the other, birthday cake and cuppa with Huey my grandson who is now three.

Cannock Chase was lovely, there is 26 square mile of woodland with cycle tracks, easy, moderate and hard, and tracks for walks.

You can go Ape if you want to and do all sorts of wonderful things in the trees, (Not my thing at all).

There is a picnic area, a cafe and not forgetting the water, ponds, pools and streams, which I love. I sat for awhile by a pool that was teaming with red damselflies doing what any self respecting damselfly does at the this time of year. I had a pleasant walk for about an hour and a half, the weather was lovely, the scenery wonderful, there were sights and sounds that were so relaxing all in all it was a wonderful morning.

Huey's birthday party was lovely we had fun with balloons, swords, the cry from the brave knight being, "ha ha I'm going to sword you" he then promptly proceeded to saw of arms and legs and heads off anyone in reaching distance.  We also got to spend some money in his sweet shop. Sarah (Huey's mum) gave everyone a coin from the till so that we could buy a sweet, Noah having spent his one coin promptly put his hand in the till to get another and gave it to Huey to buy another sweet this was a great game and a great treat.

The cake was a big hit, Huey wanted to help make it with his mum, knowing how much he likes minions she asked if that was what he wanted his cake to be. No, Huey wanted a pink kitty cat cake, and this was the result I think they both did very well and yes it was as tasty as it looked.

Wonderful memories, I am so blessed, thank you Lord.

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